Relevé 24: Childcare Expenses
Your Relevé 24 (RL-24) slip, issued by your childcare service provider, shows the total amount paid for childcare expenses during the year. As long as they offer childcare services, an eligible provider can include:
- Daycare centres
- Boarding schools
- Overnight camps
- Day camps or
- Nursery schools
In addition to receiving an RL-24 slip from your childcare provider, you must also meet the eligibility requirements outlined by Revenu Québec in order to claim the tax credit for childcare expenses.

In some cases, Revenu Québec might not require your childcare provider to issue you an RL-24 slip. If so, make sure you get their name, address and social insurance number (SIN) when getting your receipt. Be sure to keep this information with your receipt in case Revenu Québec asks to see it at a later time.

No. Some expenses, like those shown in box D, don’t qualify for this credit. For a complete list of non-qualifying expenses, refer to the Revenu Québec website.
Note: Even if certain amounts reported on your paper RL-24 slip, are considered non-qualifying expenses by Revenu Québec, you’re still required to report them when completing your return.

Yes. H&R Block’s tax software will automatically transfer the amounts you enter from your paper RL-24 slip onto your Schedule C: Tax credit for childcare expenses.
For certain childcare expenses, the information found on your RL-24 slip can be used to claim a federal deduction on the T778: Child Care Expenses page. To find the T778 page:

Before you begin, make sure that you’ve told us about your dependant(s) for whom you’ll be claiming childcare expenses:
- Type RL-24 or relevé 24 in the search field and either click the highlighted selection or press Enter to continue.
- When you arrive at the page for your RL-24 slip, enter your information into the tax software.