Revenu Québec - NETFILE Errors
As a user attempting to file your Revenu Québec tax return, you may encounter one of several NETFILE rejection errors that require you to fix or adjust some information in your tax return. The following are the most common errors you might encounter, and how you can fix the errors so you can file.

Solution: Make sure that the last name, first name, date of birth, and SIN (Social Insurance Number) that you entered in your return matches what Revenu Québec has on file for you. This could impact you if you changed your name, or your SIN during the year, and Revenu Québec is unaware of the change. If your information does not match, you cannot NETFILE your return with Revenu Québec. You will need to contact Revenu Québec to have the information corrected.
Note: These fields are found under the GET STARTED tab, in the ABOUT YOU icon.

Solution: You’ll see this message if Revenu Québec’s NETFILE service is unavailable. We recommend you wait a few minutes and then try again. You will know that you have NETFILE’d your return successfully when you see a confirmation number on your screen.

Solution: It is very important that the first name you enter in your tax return matches the first name that Revenu Québec has on file for you. If it does not match, you cannot NETFILE your return. You will need to contact Revenu Québec to have the information corrected. Note: This is similar to error T3BAAS05. The field is found under the GET STARTED tab, in the ABOUT YOU icon.

Solution: If you try, unsuccessfully, to NETFILE your return several times without success, Revenu Québec may suspend your NETFILE access. You will need to contact Revenu Québec to re-activate your account.

Solution: Make sure you answered No to the question Are you filing a return with Revenu Québec for the very first time?, if you have ever filed a return electronically with Revenu Québec in the past. Your answer to this question must match what Revenu Québec has on file for you.
Note: You can change your answer to this question under the PREPARE tab, in the REQUIRED icon.